Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hudson is a Big Boy!!!

This August right after we got back from our Utah/Idaho trip Hudson decided he was ready to be a big boy. He was starting preschool in September so it was time for POTTY TRAINING!!! We went to the store bought him some big boy underwear and some "potty treats." We pulled out Porters little potty (which I am totally against usually because who wants to clean that out 10 times a day), but hey whatever works! So when he woke up Monday morning he put on the underwear and had 4 pee accidents and from that point on decided the toilet was a better idea. Three weeks later he was going every time on the big potty. It was amazing!! I couldn't believe how quickly he caught on, my other kids were not so quick so I was thoroughly pleased. Also the week before we had put Hudsons crib away. As you can see he loved his new bed and was very pleased to be like his older brothers. We now have them all in their own bedrooms and I have to say bedtime is a little piece of heaven!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wow! Lucky you, no more diapers! Way to go Hudson!