It wouldn't be a Rich family trip if we didn't learn some history about our destination. This is Mike and the boys standing in front of the Bennington Battle Monument. It is the tallest structure in Vermont and commemorates the Battle of Bennington, a battle that lead to the turning point in the Revolutionary War.
Braxton standing next to a bronze statue of General John Stark who lead the Battle
The boys thought it was a dream come true when they saw there was a Chilis in the same parking lot as our hotel. We love their bottomless chips and salsa!
This might have been the boys favorite part of the trip. We had a jacuzzi tub in our room and it definitely got used every day.
Porter, Hudson, and I took a lunch break in the lodge to get warmed up. They were so cute sharing this drink. Braxton and Mike never came in for a break they skied straight through!
Hudson was so cute, I was trying to get good picture of his tiny little skis but this picture does not do them justice.
Emily and the boys on the chairlift together
Mike & Hudson
STILL SMILING!! We considered the ski trip a success because everyone including Hudson had a huge smile on their face at the end of the day!
Do you think Hudson is worn out? Poor kid was wiped out after a full day on the slopes. When we were all getting our things together to head out to the car Hudson literally fell asleep standing up!
We woke up on our last day in Vermont to about 1 1/2 ft of new snow and blizzard conditions. The roads did not look good. We were all having such a good time and Mike didn't need to get back to work yet, so we decided to stay one more day and spend New Year's Eve in Bennington,VT. It was great we slept in, swam 2 more times, went sledding, hit Chilis again, and caught a movie! It was great and we think it might be our new tradition.
Sledding with the boys-